System requirements
In order to use the Data and Information Fund web pages, cookies and javascript need to be enabled.
Supported browsers
The Data and Information Fund web pages are supported in Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari.
The Data and Information Fund search interface is available to registered users only. Registrations are accepted from users with a scientific, non-commercial interest in the data. Registrations will be evaluated by our personnel and therefore user accounts may not be available instantly. You will be notified by email upon account activation.
You can edit your account information by clicking on your name on the left hand menu.
Searching data
The interface offers two options for searching the data catalogue. The default search interface allows selecting topics by clicking the respective icon on the left hand side menu. Enabled icons pop up on the map to the right in each country that offers data to the topic. The topic of the icon can be studied by hovering over an icon, while the search results can be retrieved by clicking on the icon. Note that the icon position does not match the geographic location of the measurements, but the country it was measured in. The advanced search can be accessed by clicking the respective button beneath the icon menu. The advanced search allows filtering the data catalogue entries by various criteria such as language of the Dataset content, country, key words, spatial extent, etc. Clicking an entry in the search result list allows opening a more detailed description of it.
Accessing data
The data cannot be viewed online, they have to be downloaded first. Each search result entry can be put into a cart by clicking the cart icon. Once an item is added to the cart a checkout-link appears on the left hand side that opens the data request form. The form requires you to provide a motivation for accessing the data, to state whether you use the data commercially and to accept our policies, if applicable.
After submitting the form without commercial interest, download links will be sent to your email address. However, if the data volume of one Dataset exceeds 10 GB the data will be shipped on hard drives to your mailing address. Note download links expire after 7 days or after 5 clicks. After submitting the form with commercial interest, we will contact you to find a custom solution for data sharing.
You can view your data request history by clicking on your name on the left hand menu and then “data requests”.
Reading data
The data are of various formats and in few cases may require the use of special proprietary software. The majority of data is readable with common software products.
You are obliged to share publications based on our data with us. Once Datasets have been requested you will see a publication registration link on the left hand menu.
You can view your uploaded publications by clicking on your name on the left hand menu and then “registered publications”.
If you would like to contact us please use the contact link on the left hand menu.
If you would like to provide feedback on the Data and Information Fund content or web interface please use the feedback link on the left hand menu.
To navigate through the page you may use the breadcrumbs on top of the page, the links in the menu or the browser back button. The link "Back to map" brings you to the default search interface.
Project Glossary
Term |
Defintion | |||
Baseline | Data resulting from activities during the EIA and route planning phase are called baseline data. They were acquired to understand the state of Baltic Sea properties and/or gain reference data to be compared to the state after construction activities. | |||
Blocks | Sections of route defined for the purpose of survey data acquisition. Blocks are nominally 30km long. The first block is Block 1 at the Russian Landfall, the last block is Block 40 at the German landfall. | |||
Commercial use | Any use of the DIF Datasets for industrial projects is deemed to be commercial and requires acquisition of individual agreements with Nord Stream AG (additional conditions may apply). | |||
Dataset | Smallest entity of digital data and its accompanying Metadata. Each Dataset has a unique ID (Dataset Identifier) and is listed in the searchable catalogue. | |||
Data User | Individual who is granted access to a Dataset, including his or her immediate collaboration sphere, defined here as the institutions, partners, students and staff with whom the Data User directly collaborates. | |||
DIF | The Data and Information Fund, made available by Nord Stream AG. The term “data fund” shall be understood as “data pool”. | |||
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone | |||
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment | |||
HELCOM | Helsinki Commission (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission) | |||
KP | The twin gas pipelines are 1224 km long each. Each pipeline is divided in Kilometer Points starting with KP 0 at the Russian landfall and ending with KP 1224 at the German landfall. The geographic position of the KPs varies across route versions. | |||
Metadata | Metadata document data and contain relevant information about the content of the Dataset, its location and collection time, and its original purpose. | |||
NEGP | North European Gas Pipeline | |||
Route version | During the planning phase of the twin gas pipelines several route options have been investigated leading to a number of route versions. Therefore descriptive text can refer to particular route versions. |
Q: The Dataset description says that the monitoring program lasts beyond 2012 but the Dataset contains data only until 2012. Why?
A: The Data and Information Fund has been launched with data until the end of 2012. After the launch there are no further activities for adding content.