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Press Statement

4 марта 2022 г. | Zug, Switzerland | Nord Stream AG is a joint venture of five reputable European energy companies, which has been successfully operating the Nord Stream Pipeline for more than 10 years. 

Nord Stream AG is not involved in the Nord Stream 2 project and not engaged in the activities of Nord Stream 2 AG. Nord Stream AG is, therefore, not targeted by the sanctions against Nord Stream 2 AG neither by any other sanctions. Consequently, Nord Stream AG is able to execute its payments and settlements.

The transportation of natural gas to Europe via our pipeline system is currently continuing in the normal course. The full transportation capacity is available to the shipper.

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Информация на сайте является корректной и актуальной на момент ее публикации. Однако компания Nord Stream AG не несет ответственности за точность данной информации, так как все прогнозы и планы основаны на теоретических оценках, которые допускают долю неопределенности и могут меняться под влиянием внешних обстоятельств.
