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Danish Energy Agency Grants Permission to Operate Line 2

  • The second pipeline is ready to transport gas in the last quarter of 2012
  • Pre-commissioning and hyperbaric tie-in process of Line 2 has been successfully completed
  • Line 1 was taken into operation in November 2011

July 10, 2012 | Today the Danish Energy Agency granted Nord Stream permission to operate the second of its twin pipelines that will transport natural gas from Russia to Europe. The permit to operate the first pipeline was granted a year ago, in July 2011.

The operations permit was granted as Nord Stream has met and fulfilled all the requirements and commitments stated by the Danish Energy Agency in the construction permit. Nord Stream has furthermore initiated a comprehensive environmental monitoring programme to ensure that the pipeline has no unexpected impact on the ecosystem of the Baltic Sea.

“We are happy to receive the second operations permit from the Danish Energy Agency today. Thanks to a smooth cooperation with the Danish authorities, as well as dedication to all details, Nord Stream has today taken one more step towards securing safe gas deliveries to Europe – including Denmark,” says Nicklas Andersson, Head of Permitting for Denmark and Sweden.

The delivery of gas through Line 2 will begin in the last quarter of 2012. By the end of 2012 both lines will thus be fully operational. The twin pipelines are each 1,224 kilometres long and run along the seabed of the Baltic Sea from Vyborg, Russia, to Lubmin, Germany. Combined, they will deliver 55 billion cubic meters of gas annually.

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